Minggu, 27 Januari 2008

Show Your Love

Communication is key

Make sure you make a strong effort to really talk to each other. Don´t just wave to each other on your way to the TV for the night. Take time to sit down and share your thoughts and hopes, your fears and worries. Talk about how your day went, and what you enjoyed, and what bothered you.

Most breakups are caused by the couple `drifting apart`. It´s very easy to stop this from happening - a conversation a day will help!

Create a Tshirt

Love is about being proud of each other and of your commitment to each other. Grab a tshirt and some fabric paints, and write your feelings where the world can see them!

Many Uses of Flowers

Flowers have been a sign of affection since the early days of mankind. Save the flowers you´re given early in your relationship as pressed arrangements to decorate your home. Put a flower on a breakfast tray. Bring flowers home with you at night. Tuck a flower into his lunchbox. Lay a flower on her pillow. The uses are endless.

Make them feel handsome or beautiful

It's important for a girl to feel beautiful to her man, then she won't feel as if he wants other girls who are pretty because she will believe that she is the only beautiful one to him. It's the same for guys.

Use Candlelight

Candles are traditionally romantic items, and just having candles around can make an event seem much more intimate. The light is soft and gentle, and even the aromas you choose can be soothing and calming.

Sabtu, 19 Januari 2008

Lembar Sepuluh Dollar dan Mawar

Seminggu sekali, setiap minggu tanpa terlewat, amplop berdatangan. Setiap mahasiswa di gereja kecil itu menerima amplop tak bernama. Di dalamnya terdapat doa yang ditulis tangan serta selembar uang sepuluh dollar yang baru dan bersih.

Saat Abigail dipindahkan ke rumah jompo, teman-temannya menemukan sesuatu yang luar biasa. Mereka menemukan kotak sepatu yang berisi daftar mahasiswa dari gerejanya, serta sisa perangko, dan beberapa lembar uang sepuluh dollar yang masih baru dan bersih.

Beritanya sampai ke para anggota jemaat. Tak lama setelah itu, setiap mahasiswa mengirim setangkai mawar merah yang terbungkus rapi setiap minggu, ditempeli doa yang ditulis tangan.

Abigail membuka bungkusan setiap paket setiap minggu. Ia bercerita kepada staf bahwa ia bangga terhadap” biaya doa-nya” seakan-akan terhadap anak-anaknya sendiri, andai ia punya anak.

Ia tak pernah menganggap dirinya tak punya anak. Ia dan belasan bekas mahasiswa tidak berpikiran demikian. Setelah bertahun-tahun memberi tanpa nama, Abigail mendapat balasan kasih dan penghargaan, setangkai mawar satu demi satu.

Peraturan “Dilarang Memeluk”

Hari pertama taman kanak-kanak

Ia bergegas ke pintu

Melepaskan pelukan ibunya

Ia tak perlu lagi itu

Karena ia sudah besar sekarang

Terlalu besar untuk hal-hal itu

Sebaliknya ia melambaikan salam

Berharap itu sudah cukup

Saat hari itu ia pulang sekolah

Sang ibu menanyakan kegiatannya

Ia memberinya secarik kertas

Bergambar matahati kuning besar

Gambarnya tak sempurna

Karena ia ceroboh disana-sini

Tapi sang ibu agaknya tak melihat

Atau agaknya tak peduli

Hari pertama SMP

Ia bergegas ke pintu

Berlari dari pelukan ibunya

Ia tak menginginkan hal itu lagi

Ia mengabaikan penggilannya

Saat ia bergegas menyusuri jalan

Di dekat perempatan

Tempat temn-temannya berencana bertemu

Ia berharap ibunya akan mengerti

Mengapa ia harus berjalan ke sekolah

Diantar oleh ibunya kini

Akan tidak keren kelihatannya

Dan saat ia pulang sekolah

Sang ibu menanyakan kegiatannya

Ia menyerahkan beberapa kertas

Dengan silang lebih dari satu

Sang guru jelas menunjukkan

Jaawaban salah di sana-sini

Tapi ibunya agaknya tak melihat

Atau agaknya tak peduli

Hari pertama SMU

Ia bergegas keluar pintu

Melompat ke kursi pengemudi

Ford-nya yang mengilap

Ia pergi tanpa sarapan

Ia pergi tanpa pamit

Tapi ia berbalik dan menoleh

Sebelum membelok

Ia melihat ibunya melambai dengan semanga

Satt ia menjauh

Ia menyembunyikan kalksonnya hanya sekali

Untuk mencerahkan hari ibunya

Ia melihat senyuman di wajah ibunya

Lalu ia melaju menghilang dari pandangan

Menuju dunia yang berbeda

Kehidupan baru yang menyenangkan

Dan saat wisudanya

Saat air mata bersinar di mata ibunya

Ia tahu sudah tiba waktunya

Untuk berpisah dengan ibuinya

Karena ia akan pergi kuliah

Pergi menuju hari lebih baik

Tak ada lagi peraturan mengekang

Sendirian menemukan jalan

Kopor memenuhi bagasi

Ford-nya yang kotor dan usang

Ia tak sabar tiba di kampus

Memeriksa kamar dan asrama

Sang ibu membuka pintu mobil

Dan menutupnya saat ia masuk

Lalu tersenyum bangga pada putranya

Seraya air mata menetes dari dagunya

Ia menjulurkan tangan melalui jendela yang terbuka

Mengucapkan selamat sukses di kampus

Lalu ditariknya anaknya mendekat

Dan melanggar aturan”dilarang memeluk”

Si anak merasa kebebasan menyapanya

Saat ia memasuki jalan tol

Akhirnya hidupnya hanya miliknya sendiri

Dan ia mengantisipasi takdir

Kehidupan kampus lebih menantang

Daripada yang dapat ia harapkan

Tak ada waktu menjawab surat

Yang sering dikirim ibunya

Ia sudah dewasa sekarang

Terlalu tua untuk hal-hal itu

Kunjungannya saat liburan

Sudah mesti cukup

Lagipula, ujian semester cepat mengahdang

Tekanannya terasa raksasa

Ia belajar hingga begadang

Keinginannya untuk lulus begitu kuat

Ia bertanya-tanya bagaimana ia berhasil

Baaimana ia mnegatasi

Bagaimana jika ia tak lulus?

Apakah masih akan ada harapan?

Seakan ia mendapat panggilan

Ia melaju di jalan tol

Dengan kecepatan penuh

Malam mulai larut

Ia membelok di keolkan

Yang sering dijelajahinya

Dan memasuki pintu terbuka

Rumah ibunya

Sang ibu duduk di meja

Bersama gambar dalam pigura

Kenangan dari masa lalu

Yang membawa suka-duka

Sang ibu tak perlu bertanya

Mengapa anaknya pulang dari kampus

Karena ia tahu jawabannya

Saat si anak melanggar aturan “dilarang memeluk”

Lengan melingkarinya erat

Mengintip gam,bar yang dibuatnya

Banyak pohon, cabang tak sempurna

Dan matahari kunign yang besar

Sang ibu tersenyum penuh pengertian

Lalu ia pu berkata tegas

“Anakku, sejka dulu

dan selalu kau membanggakanku

Lihatlah betapa jauh kau menempuh

Dari anak kecil yang begitu berani

Menuju taman kanak-kanak

Tanganmu melambai

Dan di tahun-tahun kau berbuat kesalahan

Tapi, anakku, Ibu juga pernah salah

Sempurna itu mustahil dalam hidup

Lakukanlah sebaik mungkin

Dan jangan berharap lebih dari itu

Karena hidup itu mestinya menyenangkan

Kau hanya bisa menjalani satu kehidupan

Lakukan apa yang terbaik bagimu, Nak”

Duduk di kamar asramanya

Saat tekanan tampak terlalu banyak

Dan segala yang ia perjuangkan

Tampak begitu tak terjangkau

Ia menatap gambar

Matahari kungi besar

Lalu ia teringat

Betapa jauh ia telah menempuh

Dari anak menjadi dewasa

Melawan banyak rasa takut

Melalui ujian dan cobaan

Menahan banyak air mata

Tahu bahwa sukses itu

Buka melewati setiap ujian

Dan satu-satunya jalan gagal dalam hidup

Adalah tidak melakukan yang terbaik

Dan pelajaran terbesar yang didapatnya

Yang tak didapatnya dari sekolah...

Bahwa tak apa-apa, bahkan bagi seorang lelaki

Untuk melanggar aturan “dilarang memeluk”

Sabtu, 05 Januari 2008

What A Girl Want: :

Basic Information

Every girl is unique. Some grow up in pink dresses. Some grow up in ratty jeans. Some love horses, some love nail polish. Remember not to generalize about what your girl will want. The true key to love is to get to know your girl, find out what she loves about life, and then meet her needs. That is the basis of love - to be the puzzle piece that fits into her unique personality.

These tips can help you get started - but they are not the answer to every single love issue. Your girl has spent many years forming her personality. It would be an insult to say you could decipher it all in a few minutes! Take the time to be with her and learn about her. That is what true love is all about.

be romantic

Girls really want guys to make the first move. I know a lot of guys want girls to make the first move, but girls see that as unromantic. You don't need to be afraid of rejection. If she seems genuinely interested in you, then she probably is into you. If she isn't, she'll probably kind of talk to you, and then go back to talking to her friends.

If you think she does like you, then you should do something sweet and romantic. Give her a flower. Only one. That symbolizes that you two are united; like you're one person. And roses are prefferable, but if you are afraid of coming on too strong, then any flower is fine. But if you do give her a rose, either give her red or white. Definately pink or yellow, unless you know that she really likes pink or yellow roses. Every girl is different, so whatever you do, make it as personal as possible.

Fairy Tales and Being There

Girls are typically brought up on a diet of fairy tale stories. Look at just about every Disney story that exists. Girl is trapped in sad situation. Guy comes and rescues her. Happy ending. Even tomboys and tough girls probably saw these movies when they were young.

The key to all of the stories is that the guy was there for the girl. Even if there were harsh odds, the guy found a way to be there. Fairy tales are never easy - there is always some challenge. So show your girl you will stick by her side, even if it's rough, even if there are obstacles.

Girls Dont Really Know

This is a fact for almost all of them. Girls, not women i mean. They still are trying to discover themselves. So are guys, but guys do it on their own. Girls sometimes project onto guys and try to discover themselves by how the guy makes them feel. "I feel truly myself when he is around".

Also at the teen years to 21 stage, girls are rapped up in this fairy tale romantic stage. Guys dont really go through too much of that. They try to "play the game" but they care so much more about just being with her then what they do when they are. This means that often the girl only wants all the happiness, romance and gestures not realizing that the most important thing is for your boyfriend to be there for you.

Think about it. Girls get mad when their boyfriend doesnt act to romantic. Even going from friend to boyfriend is next to impossible with most girls if you dont do something romantic to show you care. Its not enough for you to just be there for them.

Also girls dont really know what they want so they try to get everything out of their boyfriend. Take this example. You and some girl are at a bar or a club or at school. She looks over at two guys. She sees the kind, not so hot guy, confident with a sensitive soul. She claims aloud that he is her type. She looks at the other guy who is hot but a little shallow. Who she claims is not her type. The next day you ask who she hooked up with. Its not the confident, sensitive, guy. No. Instead its the hot arragant shallow one. She chose him because she wants to bring out the other guys traits in this one so she can have it all.

In short most girls at this age dont know what they want, want it all, or are still trapped in their little fantasy reality that they wanted since they were six that they can now experience and blind themselves to what they need in addition to romance. The problem is that true love is more than just about the first stages of romance. That is why most girls dump the guy when he stops being so romantic as they go on later in a relationship. As you progress in love there is less romance, more commitment and intimacy. But most girls see this as the "spark" is missing. That spark of romance is all they care about at that stage. Until they discover what is important down the road of love they dont really know what they want until THEY GROW UP EMOTIONALLY.

But the ones who have need this:
Being there for them through the good and the bad
You to stand by their side
You making an effort in romance to never let the flame die down to much later on.
For you NOT to be jealous